To this day, science cannot fully explain what dreams are or why we have them. We pay little attention to the content of our dreams after we wake up, especially since our memory of the dream rapidly fades away as the day goes on. Dreams are associated with certain stages of sleep. The brain is […]
Psychological impact of bullying Whether it be in a school playground, classroom, office or online, anyone can be affected by bullyinh. Remember, “sticks and stones may break my bones, but names can never hurt me”, but just how true is this? After the bruises, cuts or broken bones heal what is left? It appears that […]
Think about the last time you succeeded in something. What factors influenced this outcome? Perhaps you were able to tap into your knowledge skills and abilities to reach a goal. Maybe your success was down to the help of others or even fate. The way we think about our successes and failures is crucial for […]
The Psychology of Forgiveness Do we really forgive and forget? This old saying is not beneficial in real life as our brains find it hard to forget upsetting events. In life, there are undoubtedly some wrongs that will not be forgotten. These wrongs should be remembered to ensure that we do not endure the same […]
Intelligence, and what it means to be ‘intelligent’, is a tricky concept to define. It may be the ability to solve math problems, understanding how to move in the space around us effectively or understanding how other people think and feel. Everyone seems to hold their own view of what intelligence is. Current understanding seems to […]
With the winter months looming, we will soon start to see the temperatures plummet and the days becoming shorter. After a long day at work, all you might what to do is go home and cozy up in front of a nice warm fire. However, there is another way to stay warm this winter – […]
Alzheimer’s disease is an irreversible, degenerative brain disorder that mainly affects memory and other important cognitive functions like reasoning, decision-making, and language among others. It is not a normal part of aging, but is the most common form of dementia in older people. Alzheimer’s disease is usually diagnosed after the age of 60. However, symptoms […]
We all respond to difficult situations and setbacks in unique ways. Some, more than others, seem to “bounce back” from these events quickly. Resilience is the process that allows a person to adapt well in the face of adversity or stress. Adapting well doesn’t mean that a person doesn’t experience the significant emotional responses that […]
While we all understand the benefits which regular exercise can provide our bodies, less emphasis is placed on the benefits of Mindful Exercising. Many people utilise exercise as a form of mindful meditation in itself (e.g. running or walking) in order to distance themselves from stress or daily issues. While this is productive, there are many […]
Home is where the heart is. For many people spending up to 80% of their week behind a workspace does not stir up thoughts of relaxation. With the added drive of needing to complete a job thoughts concerning the feng-shui (if you will) of your workspace rarely receives enough attention. Spring Clean! Consider the rationale behind a […]