With the winter months looming, we will soon start to see the temperatures plummet and the days becoming shorter. After a long day at work, all you might what to do is go home and cozy up in front of a nice warm fire. However, there is another way to stay warm this winter – exercising. Exercising promotes the release of endorphins. Endorphins are neurotransmitters which aid in the feeling of pain relief. But that’s not all, endorphins are also linked to feelings of happiness, change in appetite, memory, and controlling body temperature. The release of endorphins has also been shown to lower blood pressure and to improve the immune system. All of which are beneficial but especially during those cold winter months when we might need a little extra motivation to get out and about.
Some people tend to slack off with their exercise regime during the colder months, but do not let this happen to you. Staying motivated during winter can be easy and with the help of some of the following tips you won’t see the holiday pounds around your waist this Christmas.
You might find it easy to stay motivated if you pencil in a time for your workout. This way you have set an appropriate time when you know you can exercise.
It has been shown that if people change their workout routine regularly they were more likely to stay motivated and continue to exercise. So mix up your routine after a few weeks to keep it interesting.
Listening to music while exercising is great for maintaining your motivation during a session. Music has been shown to distract people from ‘the burn’ and tiredness, as well as improving mood and boosting endurance.
Arranging to exercise with a friend or family member is great motivation, during any season, because you do not want to let the other person down. Encouraging each other to go to the gym or a walk will support and motivate you both to keep going on those cold, dark days.
Setting a spring goal in the winter time keeps you motivated because it gives you something to focus on and work towards. Be it being able to walk so many miles, lift more weight or being able to fit into those old clothes that are a bit snug. Keep the goal in your mind and work towards it. However, it is important to be realistic about the goals you are setting to stay motivated.
We all know over the winter months there are a few parties and extra eating/drinking. However, by continuously exercising you don’t have to feel so guilty about consuming those extra calories. Use the prosperity of gaining those extra pounds as motivation to do a workout.
Another motivational tool is to stick up ‘before’ pictures of yourself around your house. Stick them on your mirrors or fridge to remind yourself of how far you have come to obtaining your goal. Doing this can help with confidence about doing exercise and seeing the physical gains will encourage you to keep exercising.
Alannagh Kelly
Assistant Psychologist