Alzheimer’s disease is an irreversible, degenerative brain disorder that mainly affects memory and other important cognitive functions like reasoning, decision-making, and language among others. It is not a normal part of aging, but is the most common form of dementia in older people. Alzheimer’s disease is usually diagnosed after the age of 60. However, symptoms […]
It can be a daunting prospect on whether or not you are ready to take your relationship to the next level. It can seem as if everyone has an active and fruitful sex life. Whereas you might be a bit more hesitant. It is important to understand that this is completely normal! Deciding to take […]
Stress is something that we have all experienced. As humans, we naturally strive to maintain homeostasis. This is a state in which all of our biological processes have stability and equilibrium. This equilibrium is essential for our survival so when it is disturbed, our bodies naturally take action to try to restore it. Stress response […]
What can Impact Mental Health in College? A lot of aspects of college life can impact student’s mental health and wellbeing. Trying to balance multiple commitments whilst also finding time to make friends, have fun and enjoy the new experience can often be stressful. If you are starting college and facing potential stress due to […]
It is amazing how the human mind tends to ruminate and find reasons and explanations for just about anything. At times, when we make decisions, doubt creeps in and the brain would look for ways to prove that our decisions could be wrong. This can result to anxiety, which may either be helpful or disruptive. […]
What Causes the Autumn Blues With Autumn sunsets starting at 5pm, it can be hard to remain optimistic. However, there is no need to let the change of season bring you down! Autumn blues can be caused by the fading light, colder weather, or even just the longing for sunlit afternoons. Below we have outlined […]
Leaving Certificate Anxiety For a number of students, the beginning of this academic year is particularly significant. At the end of the year they will be sitting some of the most challenging exams of their educational career. The stress and anxiety associated with the Leaving Certificate can come from a number of sources. Students may […]
Ongoing stress has often been documented as a source of serious mental and physical health concerns. It is essential to understand that one of the major stimulants of stress and anxiety is the perceived lack of control we have over time. This kind of stress creates a constant feeling of urgency. This is usually coupled […]
Doug Leddin, from Dublin, raises awareness of mental health challenges which many young people face, drawing on his own personal experiences with depression.
We all respond to difficult situations and setbacks in unique ways. Some, more than others, seem to “bounce back” from these events quickly. Resilience is the process that allows a person to adapt well in the face of adversity or stress. Adapting well doesn’t mean that a person doesn’t experience the significant emotional responses that […]