Leaving Certificate Anxiety For a number of students, the beginning of this academic year is particularly significant. At the end of the year they will be sitting some of the most challenging exams of their educational career. The stress and anxiety associated with the Leaving Certificate can come from a number of sources. Students may […]
We all respond to difficult situations and setbacks in unique ways. Some, more than others, seem to “bounce back” from these events quickly. Resilience is the process that allows a person to adapt well in the face of adversity or stress. Adapting well doesn’t mean that a person doesn’t experience the significant emotional responses that […]
While we all understand the benefits which regular exercise can provide our bodies, less emphasis is placed on the benefits of Mindful Exercising. Many people utilise exercise as a form of mindful meditation in itself (e.g. running or walking) in order to distance themselves from stress or daily issues. While this is productive, there are many […]
Sweat, heat, blisters, timers, weights, water queues – these are just a few of the issues people raise when considering the undertaking of any kind of exercise. However, there are far more benefits to regular exercise than one may realise; just 30 minutes of exercise can stimulate the brain to release “fun chemicals” such as […]
Home is where the heart is. For many people spending up to 80% of their week behind a workspace does not stir up thoughts of relaxation. With the added drive of needing to complete a job thoughts concerning the feng-shui (if you will) of your workspace rarely receives enough attention. Spring Clean! Consider the rationale behind a […]
“The unexamined life isn’t worth living, behind every experience there is room for interpretation of the meaning of that experience” Socrates WHAT DOES THE RESEARCH SAY? The word reflection stems from the Latin root reflex or later reflexio which means to ‘bend back’. The concept and process of looking back on what one has experienced […]
“Drink your tea slowly and reverently, as if it is the axis on which the world earth revolves – slowly, evenly, without rushing toward the future; live the actual moment. Only this moment is life.” – Thich Nhat Hanh What were you thinking about as you took your shower today? Were you fully aware […]
“The best moments in our lives are not the passive, receptive, relaxing times… The best moments usually occur when a person’s body or mind is stretched to its limits in a voluntary effort to accomplish something difficult and worthwhile.” Csikszentmihalyi, 1990 Traditionally, psychology has concentrated on mental illness and other psychological problems. Positive psychology […]
Contrary to what you may think, the art of colouring in is not just something for those under the age of ten to do, it is fast becoming the latest craze amongst stressed and anxious adults. Every day we look for ways to escape our strict deadlines and fully packed schedules in order to recapture […]
With the summer season finally here, you have good reason to be optimistic about the coming months. With summer, comes improved mood, the hottest and longest days of the year, and more opportunities to enjoy the beauty of nature and pursue outdoor activities. In addition, summer is the time where most of us think about […]