It is believed that nearly 200,000 people in Ireland suffer from an eating disorder. It is estimated that 400 new cases will appear each year. Today we explain what an eating disorder is, the different types and treatment options. What is an Eating Disorder? Stereotypically, when we think about eating disorders, we imagine someone who […]
Conflict Resolution Conflict takes place due to differences. It happens when people disagree with their thoughts, feelings or opinions. The occurrence of conflict is normal in relationships, work situations and anywhere you find someone opposing your opinion. It is common that what you think, feel and say will not always mesh with others resulting in […]
The Motivational Trap Motivation is simply the desire to do things. It is the difference between getting up in the morning and staying in bed all day. We are all born with innate motives, these include drinking, eating and safety and they are fundamental for survival. Then we have secondary motives which keep us motivated […]
The Psychology of Forgiveness Do we really forgive and forget? This old saying is not beneficial in real life as our brains find it hard to forget upsetting events. In life, there are undoubtedly some wrongs that will not be forgotten. These wrongs should be remembered to ensure that we do not endure the same […]
Technology has become an important part of our lives, and why not!? It is amazing what we can do on our smartphones. We use them to communicate to different people across the world, to answer those niggling questions, find out directions as well as influencing the way we shop, exercise, and entertain ourselves. However, it’s […]
When we make healthy food choices, we feel accomplished knowing that our bodies are benefiting from our decision. But did you know that our mental health is also equally as effected by the foods we eat? Studies have found that the severity and duration of depression may be affected by nutrition. Poor appetite, skipping meals […]
I go to nature to be soothed and healed, and to have my senses put in tune once more — John Burroughs Spring is here! What better way to welcome the spring by getting active in your garden! Some of you may already be avid gardeners, whilst others would never have dreamed of tending to the […]
For some of us, it may be hard to find the time to fit in our daily exercise regimen. However, there are some people that find time to exercise no matter what. Although exercise has many benefits, there can be some downfalls associated to excessive exercising. It’s important to make sure you know your limit […]
Cooking is a basic skill for daily life and can provide many therapeutic benefits. These include stress relief, the ability to plan and organise, enhanced self-esteem and a sense of accomplishment. Culinary therapy is now a form of therapeutic intervention at various mental health clinics. It is a form of treatment for a wide range […]
With the winter months looming, we will soon start to see the temperatures plummet and the days becoming shorter. After a long day at work, all you might what to do is go home and cozy up in front of a nice warm fire. However, there is another way to stay warm this winter – […]