Changing jobs can be a very challenging experience and often comes with a whole package of emotions. On the one hand we have excitement. It’s a time for change, growth and new opportunities. We may also feel sad at the prospect of no longer working with our favourite co-workers or clients. We may not know […]
The Psychology of Mirroring Imitation is the sincerest form of flattery or so the old saying goes! However, whether you think it is complimentary or annoying that someone is dressing, standing or speaking the same as you there is a reason behind it. Scientifically, it’s called limbic synchrony. From an evolutionary perspective, being in-sync with […]
During the younger years of life, children are generally attached to their parents or caregivers in everything that they do. This cosy attachment often comes crashing down on the first day of school, in which the child takes their first big step towards independence in the world. It is normal for children to experience feelings […]
Conflict Resolution Conflict takes place due to differences. It happens when people disagree with their thoughts, feelings or opinions. The occurrence of conflict is normal in relationships, work situations and anywhere you find someone opposing your opinion. It is common that what you think, feel and say will not always mesh with others resulting in […]
The Motivational Trap Motivation is simply the desire to do things. It is the difference between getting up in the morning and staying in bed all day. We are all born with innate motives, these include drinking, eating and safety and they are fundamental for survival. Then we have secondary motives which keep us motivated […]
“I have 564 friends.” Such a bold statement would probably have been viewed as ludicrous 20 years ago. Nowadays, however, this statement would not seem all that strange. In the age of the internet, we can access an endless stream of resources at the touch of a button. In an instant, we are exposed to […]
The Psychology of Forgiveness Do we really forgive and forget? This old saying is not beneficial in real life as our brains find it hard to forget upsetting events. In life, there are undoubtedly some wrongs that will not be forgotten. These wrongs should be remembered to ensure that we do not endure the same […]
For a lot of people, music is an essential part of their daily life. Some depend on it to get them through the morning commute, help them wind down after a busy day or to help them stay motivated during their workout. Therefore, music, depending on the song, can alter our emotions. Have you ever […]
We rely on memories to function throughout our daily lives. We need to remember where we left the car keys, our list of objectives for the work week and to catch up with that friend for coffee. However, our memories are also integral to who we are. We remember what happened in our childhood […]
First impressions are important, you only make one of them! As humans, we make judgements on other people quickly. A study from Princeton University has found that people make judgements on attractiveness, likability and trustworthiness within a fraction of a second after seeing someone. Even if presented with lots of opposing evidence, we tend to […]