Money is a top cause of stress for most of us. Money issues can be overwhelming therefore negatively affecting an individual’s mental and physical health as well as having negative effects on a person’s relationships and family life. Some money issues are related to an individual’s own decisions, such as poor money management, lack of […]
What is Stress? “A psychological and physical response of the body that occurs whenever we must adapt to changing conditions, whether those conditions be real or perceived, positive or negative”. Stress affects everyone in different ways. It affects how we feel and act. It can cause tiredness, negative thinking, as well as anxiety, frustration, anger, […]
What can Impact Mental Health in College? A lot of aspects of college life can impact student’s mental health and wellbeing. Trying to balance multiple commitments whilst also finding time to make friends, have fun and enjoy the new experience can often be stressful. If you are starting college and facing potential stress due to […]
While we all understand the benefits which regular exercise can provide our bodies, less emphasis is placed on the benefits of Mindful Exercising. Many people utilise exercise as a form of mindful meditation in itself (e.g. running or walking) in order to distance themselves from stress or daily issues. While this is productive, there are many […]
Contrary to what you may think, the art of colouring in is not just something for those under the age of ten to do, it is fast becoming the latest craze amongst stressed and anxious adults. Every day we look for ways to escape our strict deadlines and fully packed schedules in order to recapture […]
It is commonly accepted that our diet has an effect on our physical health. Media and social media are constantly bombarding us with the latest diets we need to try in order to get our bodies in the ‘perfect’ shape. Less talked about, however, is the effect our diet has on our mental health. While […]
Sleep is a vital indicator of overall health and well-being. Getting enough sleep is important not only because it makes us feel truly rested and ready to work, but also because it leads to a better overall mood, healthier skin, clearer vision, and better memory. Even though many of us know how essential is to […]
You get home after a long day’s work, you’re tired, drained, and all you want to do is set up camp in front of the TV for the night (even the thought of having to make dinner is painful). Sound all too familiar? Indeed, exercise is probably the last thing on your mind after a […]
Over the past number of weeks I have been reminded about the value of laughter – sharing a funny experience with someone, laughing at oneself or just having a private chuckle when reminiscing about a funny memory. Laughter has been shown to increase emotional arousal and secrete chemicals which give us pleasure. Others laughing is […]