The science says that music can give us the same happy hit as a class A drug… If so, how can we be best use music to melt those little town blues? Before I became a psychologist I sang jazz. For ten years I witnessed the seemingly magical effect that music can have over people, […]
We all have areas of our lives we would like to see change. For example we may wish to feel more confident, to worry less, or to cope with pressure in ways which are better for us in the long run. Because we are troubled by something not being as we would like, we tend […]
Often individuals who present at our clinic during February state that the winter seems long, optimism is waning and they are frustrated with the futility of their jobs or relationships. Overall, there is a lack of optimism. When the clocks go back in October we know that the evenings will get shorter and the days […]
The end of December and the beginning of January is a time when we reflect on the previous year and look to the future for the New Year. We try to balance what we have accomplished with what we haven’t achieved and make plans accordingly. This can be about dreaming, making plans and set goals […]
“Oh God. valentine’s Day tomorrow. Why? Why? Why is (the) entire world geared to make people not involved in romance feel stupid when everyone knows romance does not work anyway. Look at (the) Royal Family. Look at Mum and Dad.” ― Helen Fielding, Bridget Jones’s Diary We can fall head over heels in love […]
We all want to be happy and free from troubles. It seems like the core of our being is to seek and hopefully finally reach the Holy Grail of happiness. The big question is how do we go about it? How do we become happy? Sonja Lyubomirsky sheds light on the most important determinants of […]
Changing the stigma related to mental health has been challenging in the past few decades and most experts would agree that using positive language can make a difference. Focusing on wellness and well-being goals and avoiding medical language is a good start. Physical fitness is a popular goal for people who want to get into […]
With the weather yet to catch on to the idea that Spring has officially started, you’d be forgiven if you’ve not been out for a walk for a while. But there are good reasons for forcing yourself out of the door whatever the weather, especially if you can get to a park, the beach, or […]
Over the past number of weeks I have been reminded about the value of laughter – sharing a funny experience with someone, laughing at oneself or just having a private chuckle when reminiscing about a funny memory. Laughter has been shown to increase emotional arousal and secrete chemicals which give us pleasure. Others laughing is […]