Psychological impact of bullying Whether it be in a school playground, classroom, office or online, anyone can be affected by bullyinh. Remember, “sticks and stones may break my bones, but names can never hurt me”, but just how true is this? After the bruises, cuts or broken bones heal what is left? It appears that […]
When we make healthy food choices, we feel accomplished knowing that our bodies are benefiting from our decision. But did you know that our mental health is also equally as effected by the foods we eat? Studies have found that the severity and duration of depression may be affected by nutrition. Poor appetite, skipping meals […]
When you think of Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD) you may picture someone who constantly washes their hands, or who must have the house perfect at all times. However, there’s a lot more to OCD than you may think. According to The Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (5th ed.; DSM-5) “OCD is characterized by […]
With the arrival of another Friday the 13th, you may be feeling a little uneasy today. As with black cats, lone magpies and broken mirrors, many of us associate this day with increased misfortune and accidents. These omens of bad luck and superstition – and the sometimes bizarre things we do to combat them – […]
How often do you check Snapchat? Instagram? Do you rely solely on Facebook to keep up to date with the lives of distant family and friends? Social media has become a ubiquitous feature of our daily lives . Social networking sites and apps have the potential to greatly enhance our lives in a number of […]
Leaving Certificate Anxiety For a number of students, the beginning of this academic year is particularly significant. At the end of the year they will be sitting some of the most challenging exams of their educational career. The stress and anxiety associated with the Leaving Certificate can come from a number of sources. Students may […]
Ongoing stress has often been documented as a source of serious mental and physical health concerns. It is essential to understand that one of the major stimulants of stress and anxiety is the perceived lack of control we have over time. This kind of stress creates a constant feeling of urgency. This is usually coupled […]
Doug Leddin, from Dublin, raises awareness of mental health challenges which many young people face, drawing on his own personal experiences with depression.