“Have nothing in your house that you do not know to be useful, or believe to be beautiful.” – William Morris
There is a reason why “Spring Cleaning” has been a habit around for centuries. Whether it’s your desk in work or your entire house, it helps us clear out and prepare both our mind and body for the summer.
One nice thing you can do for yourself to celebrate the new spring season is to fully open all windows in your house and/or the office and simply allow a free flow of fresh air. Some rooms with no plants and little air movement can hold high concentrations of CO2 which is why we feel so fatigued at times when we’re in them. A blast of fresh air will ensure good oxygen circulation which in turn will improve mental focus, motivation and blood circulation. Take a moment and be mindful of the that fresh feeling of new air on your skin. Feel its temperature. Try and imagine that new, clean oxygen entering your lungs and bringing new life and energy to your whole body.
Now, how about a bit of spring de-cluttering? De-cluttering not only frees up space in the home and office, it also makes for a mental re-boot. Our subconscious is aware when we are surrounded by familiar, often useless, objects and is stimulated when these are moved or replaced. The whole act of de-cluttering and spring cleaning can involve anything from changing furniture positions to boxing up and clearing out items we don’t need anymore. The very exercise of actively doing this is a well aired space also kick starts the metabolism. When we are done we are left feeling motivated to work on fresh ideas and we have freshened up our environment. Happy days!
Mark Tolan
BSc, BA, MBPsS, IACP (Student Member)
Assistant Psychologist