Changing jobs can be a very challenging experience and often comes with a whole package of emotions. On the one hand we have excitement. It’s a time for change, growth and new opportunities. We may also feel sad at the prospect of no longer working with our favourite co-workers or clients. We may not know what to feel during this period of change and this might make us feel a little lost in the world. Knowing what to expect when making the jump from one job to another can really help make the transition that little bit easier.
So, lets firstly look at the negative emotions you may experience. You may feel sad or even guilty at the idea of leaving one workplace for another, especially if you have forged positive relationships with your co-workers or your manager. Understanding that these feelings are completely natural and that they are simply part of the job-change process can be a relief in itself. Finally, you may experience a lingering fear or anxiety, especially if you are in any way unsure of what the next step is going to be like.
Take steps to make look after your mental health during this time. Make sure to seek support from those around you. It may be helpful to talk to someone you trust about how you are feeling. It can be helpful to get our worries, fears and anxieties out in the open. Allow yourself to enjoy the thrill of moving forward to new beginnings, memories and experiences.
Now onto the positives! Once you have navigated the less-pleasant emotions and begin settling into your new job, you may experience a sense of excitement and potential. You’ve made the leap, and now you’re here. Such a feeling can be extremely rewarding and is likely to give you a major confidence boost, along with motivating you to continue working towards your goals and objectives. Make sure to take the time to take a step back and to take stock of your achievements. Even if things haven’t turned out exactly how you envisioned or would have hoped for, it’s important to appreciate the fact that you are open and committed to the idea of change. Regardless of what happens, changing jobs is a process that brings with it a tonne of learning experiences, such as the ability to adapt to new circumstances and even emotional resilience.
Written by Shane McSweeney