Moving Past Regrets Regrets, we all have them! Some regrets small, some silly others serious and sometimes life-changing. Regrets tend to be a fact of life. Some common examples being: the one that got away, the job you didn’t take, the investment you didn’t make, the fight you wish you didn’t have and the list […]
There are many reasons why people love yoga and meditation. Whether it is the improvement in flexibility, the escape from the hustle and bustle or the sense of relaxation. A lot of people may think of these benefits however, it may surprise you that there are a whole lot more! Psychological Benefits There have been […]
The buzz and bliss of the summer is well and truly over. The evenings are long, dark and most likely cold and wet. Its no wonder we are all prone to the winter blues at some point or another. This is perfectly normal. However, sometimes we may find that these blues linger around for a […]
To this day, science cannot fully explain what dreams are or why we have them. We pay little attention to the content of our dreams after we wake up, especially since our memory of the dream rapidly fades away as the day goes on. Dreams are associated with certain stages of sleep. The brain is […]
Think about the last time you succeeded in something. What factors influenced this outcome? Perhaps you were able to tap into your knowledge skills and abilities to reach a goal. Maybe your success was down to the help of others or even fate. The way we think about our successes and failures is crucial for […]
First impressions are important, you only make one of them! As humans, we make judgements on other people quickly. A study from Princeton University has found that people make judgements on attractiveness, likability and trustworthiness within a fraction of a second after seeing someone. Even if presented with lots of opposing evidence, we tend to […]
We are all familiar with that nagging inner voice that attacks us on different areas of our life, relationships, careers, our mood, psychological state, appearance, to name a few. For example: “I’m stupid,” “I’m not attractive,” “I’ll never be successful,” “He doesn’t really care about me,” “I’m better off on my own,”. Have you ever […]
Dialectical Behaviour Therapy (DBT) is an effective combination of cognitive behavioural therapy, the mindfulness practice of Zen Buddhism, and the philosophy of dialectics. DBT was developed back in the ’80s by a psychologist, Marsha M. Linehan to treat people with borderline personality disorder (BPD). This therapy was used initially to help treat people experiencing suicidal thoughts, self-harming […]
When you think of Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD) you may picture someone who constantly washes their hands, or who must have the house perfect at all times. However, there’s a lot more to OCD than you may think. According to The Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (5th ed.; DSM-5) “OCD is characterized by […]
“To serve others and do good” Aristotle. Volunteering with and helping others is a great way to enhance your mood and satisfaction with life. Studies […]