Life is unexpected, scary and involves traumatic events at times. These traumatic experiences can include the passing of a loved one, loss of employment, serious illness, as well as other stressful upsetting events. Individuals deal with traumatic experiences differently. Over time many will learn to adapt well to life changing and traumatic experiences. This is […]
It’s safe to say, if you don’t worry or feel nervous now and again, you must not be human!? Feeling anxious is one hundred percent a normal reaction to stressful events and situations. However, when these feelings of dread and worry are unfocused, overwhelming, recurring, and are not directly linked to stressful events, there may […]
Work can be a demanding atmosphere. We may have lots of commitments, deadlines and various other pressures. We can often get caught up in the hustle and bustle of work. Before you know it, you find yourself physically tensed up and holding your breath trying to get through the mountains of work you have ahead […]
As the summer months are fast approaching, our minds start to wander to the idea of lying by a pool in the glaring sun enjoying some well needed time off work. However, not everyone knows just how important this time off is. Some people feel guilty about taking time off even if they have earned […]
Everyone has a different idea of what a simple life means for them. For some, it means removing all but the necessary, avoiding the chaos, and using your time wisely to do what’s important to you. It can mean getting rid of the many things that take up your time so you can spend time […]
Christmas can be a source of stress for many of us, for lots of different reasons. Increasing demands on our finances can be a big stress inducer. It can seem as though the moment the Halloween decorations have been taken down, we find ourselves surrounded by advertisements and messages pressuring us to start spending – […]
With the festive period fast approaching, many people will be getting ready for all the celebrations and spending time with people you don’t get to see often. For some, spending time with family brings happiness and serenity, however for others, not so much. Sadly, you might need to start practising your conflict resolution skills this […]
Stress is something that we have all experienced. As humans, we naturally strive to maintain homeostasis. This is a state in which all of our biological processes have stability and equilibrium. This equilibrium is essential for our survival so when it is disturbed, our bodies naturally take action to try to restore it. Stress response […]