Art Therapy In our day to day lives, we are surrounded by art. Some people view it as a pastime whereas others have little interest in it. However, it is safe to say that art is a form of creative human expression. We may be surrounded by art, but we are also surrounded by stress! […]
The Psychology of Mirroring Imitation is the sincerest form of flattery or so the old saying goes! However, whether you think it is complimentary or annoying that someone is dressing, standing or speaking the same as you there is a reason behind it. Scientifically, it’s called limbic synchrony. From an evolutionary perspective, being in-sync with […]
Conflict Resolution Conflict takes place due to differences. It happens when people disagree with their thoughts, feelings or opinions. The occurrence of conflict is normal in relationships, work situations and anywhere you find someone opposing your opinion. It is common that what you think, feel and say will not always mesh with others resulting in […]
Intelligence, and what it means to be ‘intelligent’, is a tricky concept to define. It may be the ability to solve math problems, understanding how to move in the space around us effectively or understanding how other people think and feel. Everyone seems to hold their own view of what intelligence is. Current understanding seems to […]
There is often a negative stigma associated with attending talk therapy. Often people feel the need to talk about their emotions is weak or shameful. This stigma is often the reason why people avoid seeking help. With mental illnesses affecting 1 in 4 people in Ireland it is important to be aware of the benefits […]
Alzheimer’s disease is an irreversible, degenerative brain disorder that mainly affects memory and other important cognitive functions like reasoning, decision-making, and language among others. It is not a normal part of aging, but is the most common form of dementia in older people. Alzheimer’s disease is usually diagnosed after the age of 60. However, symptoms […]
Doug Leddin, from Dublin, raises awareness of mental health challenges which many young people face, drawing on his own personal experiences with depression.
Mindfulness is basically the act of being aware of your current experience, and encapsulates practices that promote our awareness of the moment. Its practice emanates from that of Buddhist monks who used such techniques. One can be mindful doing a multitude of activities, but common ways of cultivating the practice are through yoga and mindfulness […]