“You want to know the difference between a master and a beginner? The master has failed more times than the beginner has ever tried.” – Yoda. While many aspire to be as worldly and wise as Yoda, short of living in outer space, there are more Earth-bound practises which could bring you closer to harmony than you think, such as Yoga.
Yoga has gained significant momentum over the past decade as more scientific studies have verified its positive benefits on the human body and psyche. Not only does it teach body related mindfulness through focus and concentration, it also creates a space for personal meditation. Through participation in this spiritual exercise, a person can begin to connect with his/her body in a more direct way, stepping outside of the normal busy-ness and stress of everyday life.
Yoga has been documented as providing countless psychological and physical benefits. Indeed, the overarching purpose of yoga is to create strength, awareness and harmony within the mind and body. Some of the major positive outcomes from regular and challenging yoga practise include:
Dating back to 3,000 BCE yoga is one of the oldest forms of physical and mental exertion which focus on harmony and balance. Designed to surpass the limitations of the mind, yoga is a great way to refocus your thoughts and break the boundaries of modern life.
With more than 100 different kinds of yoga, be they intense or relaxing, there is bound to be a form of it which you would enjoy! The following are the more popular types which enjoy an immense following:
So whether you prefer to relax or challenge your muscles, there seems to be a plethora of options to choose from when it comes to this calming exercise. Perhaps it’s time to challenge your inner-self and become the Yoda you always knew you were, one that balances the harmony of mental health and the strength of physical exertion; “Do or do not. There is no try.”