Modern-day life involves having a memory for numbers such as dates, phone numbers, pin numbers, bank accounts etc. Unfortunately, numbers are one of the most difficult things to remember since they are purely abstract. It is easier to visualise a monkey dancing then it is to visualise the number 5834593218. A technique used to memorise […]
Generally speaking, mindfulness is the ability to be fully present in the moment. This is achieved through an awareness of and appreciation for our inner sensations and feelings, along with our experiences of the external world. While this sounds like a relatively simple task, it can be surprisingly difficult to accomplish. Often, we find that […]
Just like food and water, sleep is an important physiological need—we cannot survive without it. Sleep helps maintain our mental and emotional health and helps our bodies fight illnesses and infections. On the other hand, lack of sleep can lead to hallucinations, delusions and loss of immune function. Sleep disorders range from insomnia to narcolepsy. […]
“The privilege of a lifetime is to become who you truly are”- Carl Jung. This quote sums up the importance of growing into your authentic self. Your authentic self is who you truly are as a person, regardless of your occupation, regardless of the influence of others, it is an honest representation of you. To […]
Goal setting can be positive. Whether you are setting goals, for your career, relationship, family, or day-to-day, it is important to recognise what your objectives are to determine achievable goals. However, you need to know how to set goals to achieve them. Goal setting should begin with a lot of thought on what you want […]
What is Stress? “A psychological and physical response of the body that occurs whenever we must adapt to changing conditions, whether those conditions be real or perceived, positive or negative”. Stress affects everyone in different ways. It affects how we feel and act. It can cause tiredness, negative thinking, as well as anxiety, frustration, anger, […]
Conflict Resolution Conflict takes place due to differences. It happens when people disagree with their thoughts, feelings or opinions. The occurrence of conflict is normal in relationships, work situations and anywhere you find someone opposing your opinion. It is common that what you think, feel and say will not always mesh with others resulting in […]
Think about the last time you succeeded in something. What factors influenced this outcome? Perhaps you were able to tap into your knowledge skills and abilities to reach a goal. Maybe your success was down to the help of others or even fate. The way we think about our successes and failures is crucial for […]
The Motivational Trap Motivation is simply the desire to do things. It is the difference between getting up in the morning and staying in bed all day. We are all born with innate motives, these include drinking, eating and safety and they are fundamental for survival. Then we have secondary motives which keep us motivated […]
“I have 564 friends.” Such a bold statement would probably have been viewed as ludicrous 20 years ago. Nowadays, however, this statement would not seem all that strange. In the age of the internet, we can access an endless stream of resources at the touch of a button. In an instant, we are exposed to […]